Friday, November 27, 2009

Sorry, no foreigners allowed, but wait...

Thank god its Friday. My transition is physically complete, but
mentally I'm still in flux. This week I've had enough of the local
parasites around town. This one girl invited me into her bar last
weekend. Seemed friendly enough to have a foreigner like me until I
saw the bill; couple of drinks and a couple of hundred dollars later.
Shamefully went back for more of less, but came out with minimal
damage to the wallet. Well this 'nice girl' I met there started
calling me saying that she wanted to see me again. Ego and libido
aside, I'm thinking why not, better than frequenting a much lewder
establishment. Well, this guy who first granted my entrance sees me
approaching. Well as if he needs glasses, he bobs his head up and
down, and from side to side, while hastily approaching until certain
it was me. Well that girl was there again she says, oh its a
promotional night, just 3000 yen to get in. Well after a few drinks
and a lot of talking nonsense I know its time to go. But wait,
suddenly, it's 15000 yen... !!?? There she was, another "R-O-B" (rip
off bitch). Now its my fault, I should have known. These girls are
pros. Pros at getting Japanese guys to buy drinks and charge for
social while preying on they loneliness, general kindness, and lack of
sensibilities. But to prey on a gaijin like me left me feeling like a
total loser. I can't wait for the next time she sends me a message
hello. I'll be brief and frank, no thanks, I can get more and better
in life for free. Please just treat me like most Japanese do and
just say sorry, no foreigners allowed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Say goodbye tonight

I made my move. A good one and bad one. A fiercely irresponsible weekend playing with fire, getting burnt now the lynch mobs at my doorstep. A tangled web of timing and priorities, and last ditch effort to move into a positive mode. The breaks I just got is in the direction of the war, almost feels like a dance with the maker himself. God forbid this shines any light on the grave mistakes I've made over the past 3 years. Or trip me up during this month of effort to regain what little I've got left and miss the finish line altogether. Foolish is an understatement.

Interesting, Michael Lutin's message in "Where's the Moon" isn't totally related to how I feel today, but sharing it anyways to complement my own:

Monday 23 nov

The next period is a dialogue (with other people or in your own head) between scarily cold cynicism and naive faith. Isn't it spiritually wise to believe everything will turn out the way it is supposed to? Or is that just plain stupid? Isn't it prudent to realize all people have a selfish agenda and are in it for themselves? Or is it a waste to mistrust everyone because you end up alone and damaging yourself? Should you push to dominate or let compassion rule?

This is the crisis bewtween the Saturn Pluto square and the transit of Uranus that is just about to take place, Coming next week:


Thursday, November 19, 2009


After three years of independence, I'm giving it all away. The movers arrive tomorrow to ship my stuff. The charity organizations are here today, taking what I can't keep. Sacrificing my empty freedom to the surveillance and coercion of my eager and greedy spouse. To think that I can't avoid such a parasitic codependent love that suffocates all feelings and purpose. Owned by a needy and incapable woman who's only ambition is to hijack my own. Yes, it will be like a chess game, stacked against me, and my every move is a step away from getting trapped in this despicable ravenous black widow spider web. The fake smiles, half-truths, and tears of desperation chisel at everything I've got left to give.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Epicenter of Calamity

A habitual ritual Sunday. As usual, I can't avoid my favorite place, with the bites of Chicken, lamb, and red wine I love. So smoky, even the the open air setting leaves me reaking of charcoal. Friends calling me all day and night, ignoring them so I won't stray too far following their flock and shepherd. Still people always seem to find me, both old aquaintances and new strangers. Weird how time won't give me time especially whenever I sense a beautiful woman's gentle cheer eclipsing such a wicked fear.

Time waits for no one. To the ones who call at no notice, I should have called you sooner. To the ones who I met with your beau, I wish I met you first. For the one that used me, like the sadistic piece of shit she was, along with her fucking heartless boyfriends, go to hell. To the ones who chase my friends, and my friends who lead them backstabbing me stupid, sayonara. To my better half who manipulated me to her own fitful gain, you are on notice. And all others who laid judgement on this pathetic fool, I never knew you. Lastly, to my family and our birthright, I love you with all my heart, please inspire me to rise above all this. sign

Friday, November 13, 2009

Last stand

What do you call a 3-night stand when nothing happens? A limitless desperate lunge at life around me from Friday to Monday. Fearful at starting something that won't last into the profound dissolusist fate that awaits me a week later. Will this change reflect my life like night and day? And will I dare share it with you bunch of strangers? Hopefully this episode ends this fantasy as a realistic dream spiced with the reality of Right Fucking Now!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This Fragile Man

Tears. The kind that well near the heart. Floods of memories angst, anxiety, neglect and betrayal. The heart beats, flutters, tears well, voice stutters. Yet in the presence of uncaring judgemental fairweather friends it all seem like pathetic theater. Superimposed against the reality of sacrifice versus the sinister human parasites in our midst.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

An Angst Driven Life

I miss Mamiko so much. A great love climbing like a stairway to heaven. Yet I treated our love like it was just a good time. And let her slip away leaving me with a drought like the Sahara Desert. If I never enjoy such love and affection again for the rest of my life, I may as well consider it over. No wonder she was wise to find another man rather than risk such despair of heart and soul. sign

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A life like none other

'A Ground Zero' of far east artistic genius. The moon rose above our night like time fate option love galore. And it was for many. Yet I missed my mark every time, except as a witness to the spectacle. sign

Monday, November 02, 2009

Dawn of the nothing new

Hard not to go overboard right now. Empty pace of rushing from one place to the next. Next to nothing. Exasperating and draining. As if I stop it will all be over and not having arrived anywhere nor gained anything. A bottomless pit. Whether my stomach, my glass of alcohol and libido.