Sunday, July 24, 1994

Wanted! Penpal...

Newsgroups: soc.penpals
From: billbill3
Date: 23 Jul 1994 13:59:04 -0400
Local: Sun, Jul 24 1994 2:59 am
Subject: Wanted! Penpal...

I 27 years old, male and looking for a penpal from outside the U.S; male
or female (sorry ladies, no romance but flirting is allowed). I am eager
to converse and willing to listen. Send to billbill3.

[I think this may have been my first post on the Internet. At a time when most people had never heard of it. Usenet was bigger than the WWW. From a Micron DX-33MHz, 1MB RAM, 245MB HD, and 56K Modem]