Thursday, September 16, 2010

Senseless Bitterness

Will my bitterness ever pass? Age sorrow envy and angst vs. youth, arrogance, stupidity and regret. Stupidity reigns supreme. Honesty is a foolish endevour ripe for being peeled like a sour lemon squirting juice in the eye. Ridicule and subtle jealousy kicks the nuts all those eyes pray for the worst. Lemonade anyone?

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bumps in the road

My bicycle was impounded by the city on Saturday 3000 yen to get it back. Lost my train pass this morning right before the bus arrived with almost as much to lost compounding it all. Confounding might actually be more appropriate. Next week may be more shocking if my credit card charges are excessive. If so I may be down and out for a while. Pray these aren't the all to familiar omens and warning that have haunted me in the past, blessing in disguise. Will my other better half understand? Time to settle down?