Thursday, March 04, 2010

About time to retire young

When do we realize we've gotten older. I imagine when friends begin to pass away. Sometimes we'll hardly know they are gone. Silence isn't always golden, especially when you know its not someone forever. But when the time eventually arrives, abruptly and pertinent, we either don't know nor care. Being remembered and dreamt of may be what its all about. Now back to that retirement and living life like its forever. sign

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Final Curtain

Michael Lutin - Pisces March 2010

Well, this is it! The final curtain. The last degrees of the last sign of the Zodiac. While the coming weeks are more crucial for those born between the 17th and 20th of March, every member of your noble sign is experiencing the oddest mixture of emotions you may ever feel.

If you have been having any health issues since around Christmastime, now is the moment to recoup your energy, take some positive action and move ahead. It is certainly easy for friends, coworkers and loved ones to say to you (especially if they know astrology), "Mars is moving forward. Get off your butt. Get on the stick! Get going!"

What they don't know is that you are tired, no, REALLY tired. Not just I-need-a-vacation tired, but exhausted, totally frayed, utterly fried, nerves on edge, fed up and feeling as if you are being dragged along on some wave you have to fight to keep from being overcome by. This is a kind of cosmic exhaustion, occurring to those who look around them and see just how stupid and ridiculous everything in this world really is. Oh, there's a job, and relationship and kids and money we're programmed to chase after, but at this point, everything bores you. Everything seems like an absolutely preposterous waste of time and energy. It's not exactly a depression. Rather, it is a profound disillusion with all the rainbows people chase after.

If you're one of those few Pisceans who lack the spiritual perspective or the foresight not to get enmeshed, hung up and attached to all the absurd baubles, bangles and beads and foolish pursuits of Earthlings, then, yes, you're probably going to be feeling pretty crappy these days. But it's not too late to join the greater number of your fellow Pisceans who have been able to throw themselves totally into whatever they were doing, completely immerse themselves, take on a total identity, be totally in the moment and still be Zen enough to be able to walk away with a tear in their eye and love in their heart.

And that's exactly what you have to do now. Immerse yourself completely and stand apart at the same time.